Monday, February 12, 2007

Unclarity - The Partnership Epidemic

Have you heard?

There is an epidemic moving through partnerships called "unclarity". Some of you have told me that you have also had experience with this "bug" and so I wanted to take a look at what action we can take together to stop it from being so common.

Because of the stress that unclarity can put on our lives and work, I think that the first question to ask when looking for a solution is what thoughts or beliefs do we allow to convince us that we do not have need of clarity? Why do we even allow parternships to form and exist, without the assurance that the expectations and accomodations of the relationship agreement are clear, if there is serious consequences to bear? Here are some of the arguments against becoming more clear in agreements that I have heard and, unfortunately, some of which I am also guilty of using:

  • I don't have the time.
  • I don't know how.
  • I'm afraid that it won't be clear if I try.
  • I don't need clarity. I know what is needed.
  • We've known each other for years.
  • We are good friends and understand one another.
  • We're not that complex of an organization.
  • We've done it this way for years.
  • Anyone doing this should know what they are doing.
  • We're all volunteers.
  • We all have training in theatre (or put any industry in this blank) so we shouldn't need anything more.
This is like saying that because we all deal with money every day, we don't need any education about how to use it! Yikes. (What's sad is that our schools are reflecting this belief. What's wrong with this picture?)

Just as it is essential that we find ways to have financial management (something we deal with daily in our lives) taught in our schools, so we need to find ways to develop partnerships that are successful and nurturing for all involved. Otherwise, we will continue to regularly find ourselves with anger, disrespect, broken partnerships, incomplete projects and the like because we have not taken the time to learn how to prevent unclarity in life and our projects.

So, where do we find a solution? Is it through asking questions like "Why did this happen?" Or, "What happened that my partner did not feel supported, nurtured and clarified in our lives and work?" It is my experience that these questions, although when answered can contain useful insights at times, can easily bog a person down in the why and the how. Frankly, it does not matter why things happen or what happened. What is most important is that we realize that what was done did not work and admit that there is a need for some change.

So the only way to build healthy partnerships that are built on clarity is to ask and then answer this question: What steps can I take to build stronger and clearer partnerships in my life and work?

I'm glad you asked! Here is today's CALL TO ACTION.... (I recommend that you do at least the first 2. They will only take 5 minutes):

  • Decide TODAY to BE supportive of yourself and those who are your partners. Write a note to yourself on a post it and put in in your work area so that you see it daily.
  • Join the our community's blog chat to chat with and learn from others who have experienced the same disappointments in their partnerships by...
  1. Signing up for the feed of this blog. At the bottom of the blog, you will see a subscribe link. Subscribe by clicking on that link.
  2. Commenting on blog entries or on the comments in blog entries. (At the bottom of each blog is a Comment link. Click on that link to post your question or comment.)
  3. Optional: Joining Blogarithm - If you are like me, you have numerous blogs that you watch and participate on. Blogarithm is a very helpful tool that brings your blogs together into one email notification system. It's so handy because it lets you know regularly when a new post has been made. (If you join Blogarithm, don't forget to make this blog one of your Blogarithm blog subscriptions. The address to subscribe to this blog is 
  • Keep asking questions and learning about how you can do better. If you have private comments or questions, please email me, Wanda, at 
  • Share with the RP Team what specifics in your partnerships have needed clarity. Do so by emailing . Your answers will be kept confidential.
Together, we can build your legacy strong!

Keep well!



Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Brilliant site, I hadn't come across earlier during my searches!
Carry on the wonderful work!

Anonymous said...


I have a question for the webmaster/admin here at

Can I use some of the information from this post above if I provide a backlink back to your website?


Wanda and the RP Team said...

Definitely. As long as you put a link back.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I have a question for the webmaster/admin here at

Can I use some of the information from your post right above if I provide a backlink back to this website?


Anonymous said...


This is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at

Can I use some of the information from your post right above if I provide a backlink back to your site?


Wanda and the RP Team said...

Hey there, Charlie and Harry....Please go ahead and provide a backlink back to this blog. For sure.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?


Wanda and the RP Team said...

Hey there....please send a link back to OR you can link to

Anonymous said...

Awesome read! We are just getting started in social media marketing and now we're wanting to understand how to best use social media optimization for my business.
