I love this video! What are your thoughts on creativity and education from it? Enjoy!
Keep Partnering!
Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Have you tapped into your richness?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thoughts on Creativity by Sir Ken Robinson
Posted by
Wanda and the RP Team
7:35 p.m.
What??! Did I Just Miss a Moment?
Ho, ho! This is the second time I've been asked to consider whether or not I am "living in the moment" (and whenever something comes up repeatedly, I figure that it is important that I listen!).
Any guesses from you as to what this phrase means?
Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Have you tapped into your richness?
Posted by
Wanda and the RP Team
4:20 p.m.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I have a confession to make! I've realized lately that I don't trust easily. And I want to get better at it. Can you relate?
Here's an article about it.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Have you tapped into your richness?
Posted by
Wanda and the RP Team
2:51 p.m.
Labels: BEING - Tapping into trust
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Are You Choosing a Message of Gloom or Vavoom?
Have you seen the show on A&E called "Intervention"? It's true stories about people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs and their response to their family and friends when they gift them with an opportunity to get well. I've watched 2 of them now and this second one about Trent really hit home. (I highly recommend watching the episode if you get a chance. They are online.)
Trent is a man in his late 30's who is addicted to drugs and is continually making decisions to do drugs rather than to see the value in his life who was also in a terrible auto accident. (This is where I was drawn in. The car looked like mine does BTW.)
Unfortunately, he chose to see the accident as doom and to think that his life was basically over. His attitude toward his accident reminded me of a conversation with a counselor that I had in which I was asked what message I was taking from my own accident. I said that I was hearing a reminder to be focused and to lead a simpler life by being focused. In addition, I felt that the accident was a confirmation that trusting in God rather than my own strength is best. This is definitely a different response from Trent's.
I tell this story because it so clearly describes what I am talking about when I say "creating the life you want". It illustrates that we all make choices that create our lives.
How are you looking at your life? How you see your life will impact your legacy. The good news is that we all have the ability to see the richness and to choose to live it!
For more on this story and my thoughts, check out my article published on Ezine Articles.
Keep Partnering!
Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Have you tapped into your richness?
articles at http://www.ezinearticles.com
Posted by
Wanda and the RP Team
2:01 p.m.
Friday, September 14, 2007
What??? Depression a Choice?
"Wow. I never thought of it that way before. You have a choice?"
Lately in my conversations, I have noticed that people are very interested in how I am describing parts of my life. For e.g. that I CHOSE depression a few years ago after an organization I was involved with handled a change of staffing in a poor way or that I CHOSE not to think first about suing the driver that caused my accident and injuries but to think about him and his needs.
People are so surprised that these kinds of things are just choices. Don't we just go through them? Aren't they just something that happens?
What do you think?
Keep Partnering!
Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Have you tapped into your richness?
Posted by
Wanda and the RP Team
2:33 p.m.
Monday, September 10, 2007
The DISC Profile Solves My Puzzle
What in the world is going on with this friend of mine? Why did she respond the way she did to my accident?
I've been asking and praying about these questions for the last couple of weeks. Then a few days ago, I came across the DISC profile system again and it helped me re-gain perspective and understanding. I realized that she was helping me in a great way even though it was not in a way that I might set out to help someone. Maybe it will help you too.
Can you think of anyone in your life who may have surprised you with their actions? Could the DISC profiling help you to understand and appreciate them better?
Check out my article on Ezine Articles for more on this tool.
Keep Partnering!
Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Have you tapped into your richness?
Posted by
Wanda and the RP Team
12:59 p.m.
Our Lives Speak
Last night in talking with a friend of mine, I realized that my life DOES speak. What does the idea of your life speaking mean to you?
To me it means whatever my choices, they speak. Whatever my attitudes, they speak. Whatever comes out of my experiences speaks and most of the time it speaks very loudly. My friend thinks that the way that I want to pray for and take care of the young man that was in the accident (the one who caused it) is amazing. She started to cry when I told her that because she so wanted to hit him, to make him pay for what he did to me.
She could not believe that I, the one whose life has been changed, am talking about his needs and his life and his need for help. (Obviously, his choice to drink and drive speaks something about his life and his attitude.)
Don't get me wrong, I want to be sure that I am wise and have legal protection. But I am so glad that my first thought is not the hurt or get back at this person in any way. To me, if that was my first thought, that would mean that my heart is angry and full of hate.
I realize that corporations and individuals in our world have been moving quickly to legal action against another party.
But what if it was different? What if the first thing we did was give the other party/ person who we know is hurt or is in need a "hug" instead? What if we showed compassion first and then we arranged protection for our own selves? How would that affect the world around us?
Keep Partnering!
Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Tap into your richness!
Posted by
Wanda and the RP Team
11:41 a.m.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Leaning on Others
Have you ever had to rely on others for your life? I did 2 weeks ago (the reason I have not written recently).
I survived a 2 vehicle car crash and surgery. The people that came to the scene were incredible - calming me, phoning my husband, holding my hand, asking me questions to keep me alert...Then at the hospital, nurses and doctors kept informing me of what was going to happen before it happened (including just before they cut off my clothes to be sure I was not hurt seriously and before they inserted a cathider). I had to trust them to move me from a bed to the examination tables and back again. I had to trust them to reset my broken ankle after putting me asleep.
Once in a room, I had to learn to call people when I needed help getting up or moving around in my bed. And a day or so later, I had to trust a physiotherapist's advice to lean on a walker for support when walking or moving in and out of a shower.
Going to my mother in law's to put my foot up for 2 weeks and to begin to heal emotionally too, I learned a great deal about our community - that there are a tremendous amount of supportive services for people who have been in accidents. The police, victim services, personal home care and mental health associations have been amazing.
But I think that the reason they have been amazing is because I have made a choice to let them help me. I need the support as do my family and friends. This has been tough and has brought many changes into our lives. By leaning on others who partner with people in need, my life is deeply enriched in a way that I never expected.
Thank you to all the paramedics, nurses, doctors, therapists, friends, neighbors, and family who are a part of my recovery. Thank you for allowing me to lean on you. You have encouraged my heart.
Keep Partnering!
Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Are you tapping into your richness?
Posted by
Wanda and the RP Team
4:26 p.m.