Monday, September 10, 2007

The DISC Profile Solves My Puzzle

What in the world is going on with this friend of mine? Why did she respond the way she did to my accident?

I've been asking and praying about these questions for the last couple of weeks. Then a few days ago, I came across the DISC profile system again and it helped me re-gain perspective and understanding. I realized that she was helping me in a great way even though it was not in a way that I might set out to help someone. Maybe it will help you too.

Can you think of anyone in your life who may have surprised you with their actions? Could the DISC profiling help you to understand and appreciate them better?

Check out my article on Ezine Articles for more on this tool.

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Kaizen means "continually growing" in Japanese.
Have you tapped into your richness?

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