Thursday, December 21, 2006

Partnering with Clients

I love my clients and agents! It is so comforting to know that they are my ultimate clients - they want to grow, they want someone to be a partner with them, they want someone who is committed to their organization for a lengthy period of time, they want someone who is available to do work consistently...

In this Season of Giving, I have been thinking about how I give to my clients and how they give to me. From updates weekly to meeting weekly even for 5 minutes to keep in touch, this simple "keeping in touch" is what makes partnerships with them possible and what makes them thrive.

When there is a change in the amount of connection between me and a client, it greatly impacts both the synergy of our team and momentum of their business as well as my business. And that proves to me that having a partnership with anyone takes consistent working on both parts.

So what do you do when there is a slower time of work that you can give to your team to do? How do you ride these waves between being busy and not being busy?

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Creating Life

written on Wednesday, December 06, 2006; moved December 17, 2006

What Do I Want?
Current mood: pleased
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

*To be a part of a community of artists and business network that sharpens me and also gives me opportunity to sharpen others.
*To be accountable and grow from each and every experience I have in business and in the arts by having a coach/advisor/mentor for every aspect of my career.
*To coach artists in the creation of community, money, respect, network and mentoring
*To partner artists with businesses to form a win win situation.
*To practise what I preach with such a powerful integrity that people will notice and want to be a part of what I have.
*To be known by, nurture and inspire artists and leaders in business to sharpen one another and create/build dreams which create a better world for all
*To be paid for what I do at the rate of a professional theatre director to the rate of a professional film director.
*To be respected and sought after in my field by my colleagues and by those I work with - I want to do multiple projects with multiple people.

Ahhh, that feels great to get that out!

May it be so!

Sharing without much to give?
Current mood: excited
Category: Life

No matter what we do or where we are, one of our major needs as humans (besides food and sunshine) is nurturing and encouragement. Unfortunately, I have found in my work and life that those people who are involved in the creation of any kind of art (from sculpting to designing a set to directing) or those who are in leadership of teams seem to be the ones that are most lacking in it.

It's crazy! What are the people that nourish and challenge by sharing of their skills and their talents doing with an empty barrel? How can you create and give away something you don't have? I don't believe it is possible because I have seen how impossible it is in my own life.

I'm an artist who is also a leader and a business owner. When I have gone into a rehearsal process filled up to the rim with encouragement and nourishment for my person, I have seen myself lead and guide the other artists I am Directing to create something quite brilliant. Most of the time, it has been unplanned and spontaneous - the best kind of creation. These times are thrilling and are becoming more and more frequent.

So what gets those juices flowing? What fills up the barrel?

Well, for me, it was learning how to nurture myself.

I believe that knowing how to nurture yourself is the first step to being able to give to others. Once you know how to do that, the best of you begins to ooze into the lives of others. I like what Julian Cameron quotes, "The worst that can be said of a man is that he did not pay attention." By learning to pay attention, I have learned that we will have much to give.

What do you think?

Halo learning

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Halo is history

Well, Halo is now in the history books for Fire Exit Theatre. I am still receiving emails from people who saw the show and loved it! Josh, you certainly have written a gem of a play!

Halo taught me many things and reinforced things that I already knew but now I know in a fresh and new way:

People really respond well to humor and to drama mixed together. There is such encouragement in a community of artists working together to create something powerful. People like to feel valued and are freed by having a clear understanding of what their role is. Artists need to be encouraged and motivated when they are going into tech week.

As a Director, I learned much about myself too. I learned that I indeed have a style which is to nurture and encourage people. I learned too that I can nurture and encourage just by asking designers and actors to give their best ever. I don't have to compromise the vision of the show to do that. And I learned that as I gain experience, I gain the respect of others when I ask them to make changes.

So I'm looking forward to moving into more and more work in the arts so that I can keep sharpening my skills and my person.

How are you sharpening your skills and person?

Growing in progess!

written Wednesday, October 04, 2006; moved to this blog on December 17th, 2006

Movin' On Up!
Current mood: accomplished

Wow! Things are moving now.

I have gotten my domains for my website and, in addition, I have made some contacts within the theatre directing community. I meet with one next week (a week from today and I also am in email talks with another.

It's been fun looking and discovering some things in the film community too. I'm getting closer to finding a film director who can take me on a project. I can't wait until I can AD or at least work beside a director. I'm thinking that maybe a Casting Director position would be a good fit for me. Some of my colleagues tend to agree. What do you think?

The show is going very well. Halo is an halarious comedy with some very awesome tragic twists and turns too. I believe very much that this cast is a very good one. They are showing much dedication and pride and skill in their work. I am so pleased to have them on board.

Working scenes has got to be the most fun of all the different stages of putting a show together. I'm working from the same kind of perspective as Harold Guskin. I like his stuff because when I put it together with more intellectual approach to directing, a very cool Coaching approach rises out of the work.

I'm so looking forward to seeing how much stronger this show is going to be then my last. I'm pretty sure that it will be not only because I have grown but because the cast and crew that I have are all growing in their skills too.

I'm pumped about our shows! I hope to see you there!

Not only is the show going well, but I have 2 more clients that I can support via my online work. Being a Virtual Partner has become a lot of fun. I can do this no matter where I am. And that makes me happy.

My goals, plans, and hopes are coming true little by little. I look forward to more of what God has for me.

How are you doing with the planning of your personal goals?

Creatively Partnering

written Friday, July 21, 2006; moved to this blog December 17th

Current mood: cheerful

I just got the email officially starting my relationship with another Coach! I'm so thrilled to be on the Multiple Streams Team . I have such a great opporutnity to learn more about being a Coach myself as well as I have the honor of supporting Coaches in their efforts to encourage and guide people to more personal and professional success!

And all from the comfort of my home with my computer!

Now THAT'S nurturing!

Current mood: refreshed

I'm so excited to be directing this fall for Fire Exit Theatre! The show is called Halo and is written by Josh MacDonald. It is a funny play with a tragic twist and it's all about what it important in life- is it the hype we create by our marketing strategies- caps/ clothes/ pens/ etc. or is it relationships with one another?

There's some pretty radical ideas that are being bounced around with this show!

I'm looking forward to using the set and working with my actors! Show goes up in November at the Engineered Air Theatre- a sweet little space!

Ahhhh...I am in my element!