Monday, July 13, 2009

New Look for a New Era

Have you seen our new look on our website?

(If you haven't, just type in our website addy and hit your refresh button on your browser. Your browser should forward to Let us know what you think.

We are moving into a new era with our company. It's a new era because we have come to understand our mission and vision even more clearly than we had before.

It IS about being integral and excellent as we thought before (those are some values we have). But it is MORE than that. It is about our focus and our approach. Like our new tag line says, we are designing expressions with the focus on the connections. (More about that later.)

And so we have moved all of what we offer together onto one website (including our Kaizen Coaching). It is simple to navigate and easy to understand. We definitely do create and design in whatever we are doing - whether designing interiors or coaching or directing/producing/acting on the stage.

So take a look! We dare you!

Designing with you...
